5 ways to use content creation to attract clients

5 ways to use content creation to attract clients

When you become an entrepreneur or business owner, you probably have some gaps. Those gaps are things you have to fill in, and you either hire someone to do or learn. Most of us started our businesses without every single tool needed. 

As we fumbled along to figure out our business, sometimes, we let other areas fall away in favor of surviving. Content creation tends to be one of those areas. 

If you’re not creating content, you’re not maximizing your client base or increasing your sales. Below are 5 ways to use content creation to attract clients.

Update all your online content

Too often we start a website and forget it. It’s important to update your website content and copy often. But it’s also important to update your other online content like a Google My Business page and your SEO keywords, which will help you show up when people search for your business, product, or service.

Consider this: You go to a website, and the images are off or links aren’t working. What’s the result? You leave the brand alone. It’s not attractive, and it’s wasting your time. 

Update all your social media content

Another easy way to attract clients is to update your social media content. Check your social media channels for engaging content that is consistent across all platforms. 

Consider this: You go to someone’s FB page, and there’s a link to an IG account. The link is to a personal or blocked IG account. What’s the result? You leave the site or go into a deep dive to try to find them. It ends up wasting your time. 

Create or update your welcome sequence

So many business owners miss out on solid content creation because they don’t have a solid welcome sequence to nurture leads. If you don’t have a welcome sequence, create one. If you have one but it’s stagnant or old, update it. 

Consider this: You sign up for a mailing list from someone you follow on IG because they seem to be living a life like you (kids, location, business). When you get an email introduction, it was written before they had kids, lived in the location you think they’re in, or worked on the business that you thought they had. What’s the result? You feel confused and betrayed. You hit unsubscribe immediately. 

Start or be more consistent with a blog

Blogs are one of the easiest ways to use content creation to attract clients. You can simply brainstorm a list of valuable topics for clients. This list can stem from questions, research, or a variety of other sources. Then, start writing your blog as though you’re talking directly to those clients. 

Consider this: You buy a product that solves a major problem for you, but you’re not sure how to use it. The instructions aren’t clear, and it’s a one-of-a-kind product. You go to their website to see if they have tutorials or something to help you understand how to use it. Instead of finding solutions, you find sales pages only. What’s the result? You return the product, give up on using it, give the business bad reviews, or search for videos from others who figured out the product. You’re ultimately not as satisfied as you could be with the product.

Share your content

The last of our content creation components is to share your content. So many business owners will focus on one platform (online, social media, emails, or blogs). Instead, share your content. 

Consider this: You can create one blog with a lot of value and an offer at the end. From that blog, you can create an email that tells clients to go to the blog or just sign up for the offer directly. From that blog and email, you can create several days of social media content that tells your audience a piece of the valuable blog, and then another, and then another, and has the offer or a link in each post. From that blog, email, and social media content, you can create a pop-up on your website and share the blog on your Google My Business page. What’s the result? More and more leads to attract potential clients. 

In one post, you have a lot more content you can create. It’s all in an effort to attract clients. 

Still not ready to use content that way? Let’s chat about how my team can help you.