
Boosting Your Instagram: Tips for Followers & Stories

Organic instagram growth

Over the years, Instagram has emerged as a crucial platform for brands aiming to grow their social presence online.

Gone are the days of simply posting attractive images (although that IS still important); It’s now about weaving a narrative that resonates with your audience, fostering genuine connections, and growing your community organically.

Let’s dive in and examine the roadmap to Instagram, dare-we-say-it MASTERY.

The Importance of Organic Instagram Growth


These days, everyone seems to be striving for organic Instagram growth. It helps to validate your brand by signifying natural interest from the community. Afterall, those likes and comments really help to show how engaged and loyal your audience really is!

Unlike buying followers (yuck), organic growth ensures your followers are there because they actually value your content and dig everything you represent.

Setting this foundation is crucial for long-term brand loyalty and high engagement rates, which, in turn, enhances visibility and drive conversions. Who doesn’t want all that??

Visual Content Mastery


High-Quality Visuals

Because Instagram is a visual platform, focusing on improving the quality of your visuals is important. High-resolution images, well-composed shots, and visually appealing videos stand out.

Use natural lighting wherever possible, and use editing tools sparingly to enhance rather than distort. Remember, your visuals are your first impression; make them count.

Consistent Aesthetic

A cohesive visual aesthetic is your brand’s signature. And contrary to popular belief, It’s so much more than just simply color schemes; it’s the mood, the tone, and the feeling your content evokes. Whether it’s minimalist chic, vibrant and bold, or earthy and serene, ensure your aesthetic aligns with your brand identity.

Use consistent filters or editing styles to maintain this aesthetic across all posts, creating a visually stunning Instagram feed that’s instantly recognizable.

Utilizing Instagram Features

Diversify your content by leveraging Instagram’s wide range of features. Stories for instance, offer a dynamic way to share daily activities, behind-the-scenes content, and direct engagement with polls and questions.

Short-form Reels are perfect for sharing quick tips, product highlights, or viral challenges. While longer-form Reels allows for deeper dives into topics, tutorials, or extended narratives. It’s important to experiment with these and other formats to help discover what your audience wants.

Engaging Through Storytelling


Crafting Your Narrative

Your brand’s story is unique and sharing it can create a powerful connection with your audience.

From the inspiration behind your latest collection, to the impact your services have on customers, every post should contribute to your overall narrative.

Use your captions strategically, to complement your visuals, share stories that teach, inspire, or entertain.

Interactive Content

Build your “know, like, trust” factor by making your audience feel like they’re immersed in your “ecosystem”. Use Stories in a fun and interactive way by asking questions, conducting polls, or even challenging your followers with quizzes (people love to show off their knowledge).

Also, draw feedback from your followers by encouraging them to share their own opinions and feedback.  This helps to foster a community feeling (make sure that you remind them to tag you when they do!).

Highlighting user-generated content not only validates and acknowledges your audience’s contributions, but also demonstrates the real-world impact of your brand. AKA, shows your audience how cool you really are.

Growth Strategies


Hashtag Use

Hashtags help to point users to  your content while also helping to define your post accurately to the ever-changing algorithm. Having a mix of both broad and niche hashtags can extend your reach and help you connect with specific communities and broader audiences. AKA, the right people.

Research hashtags relevant to your content and industry, and don’t shy away from creating brand-specific hashtags to cultivate a unique space for your followers.

Engagement Tactics

We are big believers that engagement creates more engagement. This alludes to the fact that the more you actively participate in the Instagram community through liking, commenting, and sharing relevant content, the more attention you’ll drive to your profile.

Make sure to *always* respond to (or at the very least acknowledge by “liking” ) comments on your posts. This helps to foster conversations and makes your audience feel seen and/or heard.

Collaborating with influencers or brands who hold the same values as you can help introduce your brand to new audiences.

Consistency and Timing

Consistency in posting keeps your brand top-of-mind for your followers. Develop a content calendar to maintain a steady flow of posts, and use Instagram Insights to determine the best times to post based on when your audience is most active.

This strategic (and super smart) approach ensures your content reaches the widest possible audience, boosting engagement and growth.

There are many scheduling tools that can help you stay on track with posting and analytics, or, simply hire a social media team to do it for you.

Analytics and Adjustment


Don’t use a separate scheduling and/or analytics tool? No problem! Instagram has a built-in analytics tool to help you track your progress, helping you refine your strategy.

You should be analyzing metrics such as engagement rates, follower growth, and the performance of each post.

This data is invaluable for understanding what content types are most effective, allowing you to adjust your strategy to better meet your audience’s preferences.

Instagram offers a rich platform for brands to express their identity, connect with audiences, and grow organically.

Key takeaways


By prioritizing high-quality visual content, engaging storytelling, and active community participation, brands can leverage Instagram’s platform to its fullest.

Remember, the key to Instagram growth & success is staying true to your brand’s voice and values. People want authenticity–and we don’t blame them!

Provide value, engage your audience, and refine your strategy based on analytics and most importantly, stay patient and consistent. There are no magic bullets to growth on Instagram, but we’re confident that by following these steps, you’ll be one step closer to achieving your goals.

Need someone to do it all for you? Book a FREE discovery call with our team and let’s explore multiple ways we can work together today!